Michigan CPL
In our USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals class, we focus on situational awareness and conflict avoidance. Our course will empower students to be self-determined and intentional about their safety and the safety of those they love. We place heavy emphasis on the legal aspects of carrying a firearm; when you can use force, how to travel with a firearm, and dealing with the aftermath of a self-defense encounter. Finally, the time you spend on the range with our instructors will introduce you important skills and the lessons learned will encourage safe and responsible firearm ownership. In a world of apex predators, our class with start you on the path to become an Apex Defender!
Topics Covered Include:
- Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan
- Self-Defense Firearm Basics
- Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
- Threat Recognition, Conflict Avoidance, and Situational Awareness
- The Legal Use of Force
- Instructor Guided Live Range Drills
- Virtual Range Instruction
- Michigan CPL Law
- Dealing With Police While Carrying
- The Aftermath Of A Violent Encounter
- Handling A Police Investigation